September 08, 2023 | Admin | 136x views

Indonesia is a rich natural and cultural country. Some of its people are still depending on traditional way for living, farmers for instance, most of them are still using traditional media and tools to work. The same thing happens to the fishermen.

Nowadays, everything is getting better. The goverment try to do the best for the people, training for the farmer, fishermen, etc. Subvention for modern equipments, and other benefit programs.

Yogyakarta is a part of Indonesia, it is like a mini Indonesia. You can find many traditional occupations in this Special Region City. It is not only common jobs, the art vibe of the city delivers many local artists; dancers, painters, singers, music intruments players, and others. Even there are many schools of art and the highest is The Institute of Art Indonesia states in Yogyakarta.

Some of local people born as enterpreneurs, they make local products for daily needs, such as tempe; the origin fermentation food of soy bean, coconut sugar or brown sugar, and others. They make it with traditional method but some of them are using modern tools.

It is a home made production. The workers are their own family members or relatives and maybe some of neighbours. It can raise economic condition, because they plant the main material, make it by themselves, sell to the local people,cook it, and it is the local favorite food, also the local markets are alive by the connections of seller and buyer.

There must be much knowledge you can learn from local productions and they will be happy to welcome you as a student guest. I also will welcome and drive you to those places. I am ready to assist you.

1. Tempe

This food is very common in Indonesia, specially for Javanese. Tempe is made from white soy bean. The quick process is: the soy bean has to be washed and boiled. After it is getting cold, the boiled soy bean should be grinded to peel the crust. Next, it should be boiled again and then after cold, it is sown with the bacteria for fermentation, when it is totally cold then it is ready to be wrapped, usually with banana leaves or just transparant plastic.

2. Brown Sugar

The dark brown coloured and tasted sweet, it is the brown sugar. Brown sugar can be made from the water of coconut, palm, even sugar cane. It is a very famous main daily need especially in Yogyakarta. The main progress are: collect the water  of coconut (for instance), and then boil it. After couple hours it is getting thicker and ready to be moulded before it is getting cold.

3. Bricks

One of the main material to built a house or building in Yogyakarta is bricks. The local people usually make it by themselves on their field. It is a very hard job, many of the local people make bricks on the dry season (summer)  because they are still using manual heat from the sun to dry the bricks. Before the dawn breaks the people go to the field to dig wet soil and then couple hours later it is ready to be moulded and dry manually under the sun. When it is totally dry, the bricks are being cut as the measurement. When every bricks are ready, they can be baked to make it harder and the colour turns reddish.

4. Emping

Traditional snack, tasted crispy, made from gnetum gnemon, that is emping. Basicly it is being fried in hot sand and then it is grounded. It is also dried under the sun and ready to be seasoned and be fried in hot oil.

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